Q4U Online Courses
Q4U Down the Rabbit Hole - Online courses via Zoom
April - May 2023 Down the Rabbit Hole Online Courses
Join us in the magical world of quantum physics! This innovative course is designed for people like you, no science or math background is needed. In this 6-session series, we will explore the key concepts of quantum physics that challenge our preconceptions of reality. For instance, we will learn about how things can be in two places at once, why light is both a particle and a wave, how superposition works and why these are important. Come and join us in some fun and mind-bending conversations!
Thursday Group: April 13, 20, 27 May 4, 11, 18
Time: 7pm PT
Monday Group: April 17, 24 May: 1, 8, 15, 22
Time: 4pm PT
Tuesday Group: April 18, 25 May 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
Time: 7pm PT
1.5 hour sessions
Zoom Online
This program is offered on a donation basis, and we suggest a fee of $150 for the full six sessions. However, we welcome and appreciate any amount that feels comfortable for you.
If you're interested in joining us, we would be grateful if you could take a moment to register by sending an email to goksenins@gmail.com - we'd be thrilled to have you on board! Thank you for your time and consideration.
Down the Rabbit Hole Series
The Down the Rabbit Hole series aims to inspire you with the concepts of quantum physics. No science or math background needed! Once you enter this magical world you will be astounded by the possibilities. The mind-bending concepts of quantum physics provide a liberating, multi-dimensional lens to perceive the world around you differently. Starting with the paradigm shift from classical to quantum physics, we will explore the key concepts of quantum physics, such as the elementary particles, fundamental forces, the dual nature of matter, non-locality, superposition, quantum tunnelling, and the mystery of dark matter.
Sounds complicated? Remember this course is designed for lay people and will have you discussing ideas with classmates before you know it. You might be surprised at how much fun it will be. Conversations will take us from discussions about the smallest particles of the universe to the galaxies and on to the nature of reality.
Q4U Kuantum Dedigimiz Nedir ki? - Online seminerler
Kuantum dedigimiz nedir ki? Kuantum düsünceden kuantum kristallerine, ayakkabidan deterjana, 21. yuzyilin belki de en cok kullanilan fakat herhalde en az bilinen kelimesi aslinda neyin nesidir? Bu konuyu bir fizikciden dinlemeye ne dersiniz? Hic bir fizik bilgisine gerek duymadan bir evhaniminin, müzisyenin, avukatin, pastacinin, postacinin anlayabilecegi sekilde örneklerle, videolarla, sohbet ederek, gülerek eglenerek..
Göksenin Sen fizik mühendisi, ögretmen ve egitmen. Kanada'da fizik egitimi alaninda müfredat gelistirme doktorasi yapti. Uzmanlik alani ise kuantum fizigi konularini ilkokul ve ortaokul cagindaki cocuklara ögretmek. Pedagojik metodlari kullanarak eglenceli, yasa uygun ozel ögretim yöntemleri dizayn etti ve gelistirdi. 10 senedir Kanada'da cocuklar, ögretmenler ve fizik altyapisi olmayan yetiskinler icin kolay anlasilabilir, eglenceli kuantum fizigi dersleri ve egitimler veriyor.